They are playing around, rough-housing before bed, which they know is not allowed.. they are supposed to be laying down quietly. Innocent fun and giggles end with tears when one gets hurt and begins to cry. The little boy that is now crying is 4 almost 5 and is one of the biggest kids I take care of. The other.. a tiny petite 2 year old little girl, the smallest of the group. I tell the boy he's ok, as he surely is, and to lay down, as he was supposed to already be doing, and try to sleep. I'm doing other things, settling everyone in for the night, fixing their blankets the way each one likes it, minutes pass when the little girl comes to me. Her big bright eyes full of concern... 'Sabiko si M 'Sorry'! Sabiko si M 'Sorry'!'' ("I'm going to tell him sorry! I'm going to tell M sorry!'') I had already moved on, M had already stopped crying and was clearly moving on, but this little one, was still carrying the burden of the fact that her friend had been in pain and that it was her fault. I smiled and told her that would be an excellent idea, and she goes to him and lays on top of him saying sorry and giving him a hug and in that moment I stop and I just smile.
She's beautiful.
Her heart is beautiful, full of love and compassion at such a young age. I dream of what the Lord has in store for her... Where will he take her? What will He mold her into? How will He use her?
Oh, how He is already using her to teach me!
May I be ever mindful of my impact on others. May I be filled with compassion for those around me as she is.
~ To God Be the Glory!
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