So, this was probably one of the best Valentine's Days I've ever had! Earlier in the week, I recieved my first the mail from my Grandpa and MaMaw H. Then on Saturday morning after Friday night's work, I had Valentines from my other set of grandparents and one from my Mom and Dad (in my Mom's handwriting). They were all great and sweet and wonderful, but still the usual Valentine. So I went to sleep, (remember, being on third shift, Saturday morning is like Friday night for me still, since I sleep during the day.). When I woke up later that day, I had another card waiting for from my father. This card in and of itself made my day! I won't go into what it said on here... that's for me and my Daddy! But I can tell you that it was the sweetest Daddy Letter I've ever gotten and was worded perfectly and was just what I needed to hear from my Daddy! (esp. with some of the things I've been dealing with lately.)
Then the night continued on the path of 'great'. On most weekends lately, the college kids have been hanging out. Well this weekend we decided that the single girls would hang out and the single guys would hang out together. Well there ended up being 5 ladies that hung out. I had the privelage of cooking them a nice sit down dinner...then we all sat around the tv ate cookie dough for dessert and watched...300! Yep... that's right, the girls watched a definate guy movie for Valentine's Day. And what made it all the more better... on the way home we called the guys to see what they did...they ate and watched Juno... a girl movie. So we kinda switched places for Valentine's Day. Half the fun was knowing we weren't doing the 'normal' Valentine's Day thing. Me and one other girl then ended the night at my house at about 4:30 am after watching Pride & Prejudice... had to get a little 'chick-flick'ness in there somewhere!
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