Thursday, January 21, 2010

Time for an update...

I know that many people from home are reading my blog and checking it often for updates. And to you sweet people, I apologize as I haven't been updating as regularly as I had planned to. I wish to keep you informed with everything, but recently I've been super busy and to be honest sort of had a case of writer's block. I don't know what to say really. I know what I want to say... I want to be able to tell everyone that everything is going lovely, that I have no troubles at all... but no one can really say that can they? I would love to be able to tell you that everything has just fallen into place so easily. I would love to be able to give you sweet stories of trouble and stress free days...

But I can't exactly say that at the moment...but what I can tell is that God is good! God is God! God is in control! God is still GOOD and WORTHY TO BE WORSHIPPED HONORED AND GLORIFIED!

This is something I've really been trying to embrace. We are called to worship Christ in all seasons of life, in all situations. In the good times and bad, the correct response to any situation is worship! Because if we believe that God is sovereign, as I do, then we know that He is never surprised by the bad, as we usually are. So even when our head is spinning and we are left breathless by the events surrounding us... God is still calmly in control of all things! THERE... in that fact is where my hope lies! It is that fact alone that I am able to continue doing what I am doing. It is because Jesus has called me to this life. I know without a shadow of doubt, that I am right where I am supposed to be. Yes it is hard. Yes it is heartbreaking. But God, the creator of the universe, has called me here....and that is enough for me. There are times when I have no clue why me? What on earth am I doing here? ME.. of all people?? Lord, don't you think there is someone better suited for this than me? At times I feel like I'm the worst person for the job? What can I possibly contribute here? And the answer is.. nothing. I can't do anything.. but God can do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! That is why, even when I'm heartbroken to the core and ready to give up, I should worship. Because it is at those times, just as in any other time, God is working. God is fulfilling HIS will. I may not have a clue as to why things are happening as they are.. but God knows. He has a plan and his plan is perfect. He is in control of things.

Ok... so I wasn't really expecting this post to be this long. When I first started writing I was planning on maybe 5 sentences... and then all of the above just came out. Also, a quick thank you to all those who are reading my blog, keeping up with my journey, and especially for all the prayers on my behalf! I'm so grateful!

~ To God be the Glory!


Anonymous said...

YOU are such an example for all of us. You are giving God the glory and honor that He so richly deserves, and you are doing this in the face of difficult surroundings...THAT, my dear child, is why He chose you! You are willing and said, "Send me!". We should all follow your lead.

You are an amazing young lady, and I am so honored to be your momma!

I love you <3,

Mrs. Ferguson said...

I am so thankful for you! I am thankful for your work there! I am thankful for your witness to everyone who reads this blog...that includes me! I am thankful for the witness you are to my children as I share your 'stories/posts' with them. I thank God every time I think of YOU!

Cindy F.

N.E. said...

I am praying for you daily, Brittany and asking the Lord to give you the eyes of Christ to see each situation as He sees it. When I look back over the hardest times in my life, those are the times I grew the most in my faith. God is giving you gift through these trials (although I'm sure it doesn't feel like it right now).

Anonymous said...

Praying for you...thanking the Lord for you each day.
Love ya,
The Pressley's

Wherever HE Leads We'll Go said...

This post has blessed me today (I have been a little behind on my reading). Thank you for being a willing servant of the Lord. That is what He asks of you and He is doing a mighty work through you! You have made yourself available and allowed Him to carry out His plan for your life. You remind me that I need to do the same. I may not be called to the other side of the world, but God can use me right here, right now. Thank you so much for sharing!