Monday, February 15, 2010
I had spent the last 3 nights in a tiny hospital room with my kasama watching over a dehydrated baby. We were feeding her every 2 hours, and since she was sick and fussy, sometimes the feedings would take nearly an hour, leaving an hour until the next scheduled feeding. Later this morning we were to be discharged, I was looking foward to being home again, seeing my little babies that I had been away from. That's when I got the first text from Ate Char...8:54 AM "Pamela is not going to live another day, I don't think." I struggled to catch my breath as I sat up in the hostpital bed as I read the words...quickly responding...
"She's that bad?? Will she still be alive when I get home with Mika?"
"She is weak. Very weak. . . Maybe you should come home and leave Joed there"
"On my way." ~ 8:56 AM
With that, I got up and started getting my things in my backpack and let Joed, my kasama for hospital duty, know that Pamela was dying and I was going back, he'd be on his own for the rest. I was trying not to get too panicky while I was waiting for the elevators, which were running incredibly slow. I hadn't known this day would come so soon, I had thought for sure I had a couple more weeks. Trying to remember how to breathe, I felt my phone vibrate and heard the familiar tone that signaled a new text. . . "Hurry up." I felt breath go out of my lungs...and I don't remember when it came back. I took off down the stairs running past patients and visitors and ignoring the odd looks that I got. I ignored the looks of the people passing me as I rushed home; all the way praying, Lord, please! Just one more hour please! Lord, just let me make it in time...just give her one more hour please! Let me get to her and see her one last time please God! Please give her one more hour! I finally made it home and got to the bedroom where my precious little girl layed, between Ate C. and Jomar. I took my place at her side... and that's where I stayed. Her hands and arms were cold, as the circulation was slowing. So there I sat, with one hand going between holding and warming her cold fingers, brushing my hands over her head, and stroking her cheeks (this last action usually gets the sweetest smile as a response... but today there is no smile, she's just too weak.). My other hand stays on her chest, with my fingertips right over her heart, feeling the beating of her heart, waiting for the moment when my fingers feel nothing beneath them.
As I wait, I talk to her, knowing that there is no point; the hydrocephalus has robbed her of hearing me. But I can't bear not to, so I talk, I tell her it's ok, Fly to Jesus baby girl! Go laugh and play with Jesus. Fly to Jesus. Mag Pahinga. This last phrase is something that I've learned in Tagalog, meaning something like just rest, sleep, and go in peace. The exhaustion and stress from the past few days catches up to me and batters me over and over in waves. From years of experience I fight the lump growing in my throat, I force back the tears that surge to the edge of my eyes. Temporarily... my old tricks work, and I can breathe somewhat normally. And then without notice, another wave hits me unprepared, and eventually, the tears start to roll down my cheek.
There I sat, expecting her to take her last breath at any moment. The Lord was gracious, He gave me the hour, and more. I sat there with her for 6 hours, when we began to notice she was leveling out. Her heartbeat became stable. While she was still weak, we began to realize that she was going to be around for a little longer. Even now, as I type this blog, she sleeps beside me. The end of her short life is very near, but for now we will wait for the LORD's timing.
~ To God Be the Glory!
Disclaimer: I've written about speaking to this dying baby, Fly to Jesus. I know that no where in the bible does it guarentee that children and babies that die go to heaven. I understand this, and would really rather not go into any theological debates about this topic at this time. I'm sorry, but this is my blog to write about my feelings and ministry. If you do have problems my saying this, please feel free to discontinue reading my blog.
I can in no way stop reading your have relayed to us the heaviness of your heart and the sense of urgency that we all should have! You truly are being the hands, feet, heart and voice of Jesus to these precious babies.
My prayer is that I, too, will be willing to let God use me...everyday, where ever HE has me for that day! You words are like iron that sharpens iron, challenging us all to be more faithful to our Lord. Each day is a gift and we should be thankful for this gift and to honor God by being obedient!
Thank you so much for encouraging me through your service and through your words in this blog.
I am weeping as I sit and read this blog entry! What a gift God has given you to allow you to usher his sweet daughter into His arms (I DO believe the Bible teaches that babies go to Heaven . . . remember King David when he lost his son???). God is taking you into a deeper knowledge of Himself through everything you are dealing with. Pamela is lucky to pass from this life being loved and into the next being loved more still.
Praying for you as the Lord santifies your heart deeper each day. I am thankful that sweet Pamela has you there by her side as she is greeted by her maker, as her body becomes perfect. Thank you for loving these sweet children! and allowing us to love them through you!
We're praying for you and the work you are doing there. May God give you a peace that can only come from Him as you minister to Pamela and all of the children there. Although she may not 'hear' you, I can't help but feel that she feels your words through your touch. I do believe that her Creator is waiting for the moment He has planned to greet her in Paradise where she will be freed from every earthly pain.
You have shared your heart so eloquently! What a precious gift to little Pamela to have you by her side. Though she may not hear you, she can feel the love that you have for her.
I am praying for you as you minister to these babies each day. Praying that you have strength and endurance. Praying that God's peace will wash over you as you give so much of yourself to these little ones. I am also praying for Pamela to have peace and comfort as she passes from this world into the arms of her Creator.
Hey Brittany. I was wanting to say that I keep praying for you everyday. Reading this I can't help but wish that I was there to help out in someway. You truly are a remarkable person Brittany for the things you do. I can't even begin to tell you how deeply honored I am to just call you my friend. May the Lord be with you everyday,
Matthew Hatfield
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