Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sometimes I just miss...

If you've read much of my blog at all, you know that I love the LORD, I love the Philippines, I love the children I work with, I Love my life here in the Philippines. That, I hope is obvious to anyone who visits my blog. This, and probably the next post, is not a complain post. This is just reality. There are people out there, who may be reading my blog, who may be considering life in missions. GO FOR IT! But at the same time, know.. its not easy, its not warm and fuzzy all the time, there are many struggles and many personal battles along the way.

As much as I LOVE THIS LIFE that GOD HAS CALLED ME TO... there are things that I miss...

I miss road trips and being TOTALLY SILLY with my best friends, driving with the music blaring and the windows down on a nice summer evening!!
I miss cooking dinner for my family, which is what I had done when this picture was taken. I had cooked dinner for my family and both sets of grandparents.

I miss my Momma Dates and My Daddy-Daughter Dates (usually to a LOUISVILLE FOOTBALL game). These pictures are me and Momma's pedicure date and me and Daddio at a football game!

I miss the family gatherings.. you know the kind.. when there always has to be a dozen group pictures. (I'm thankful for the group pictures now)

I miss just 'hanging out' with the 2 best 'best friends' a girl could ask for.

I miss getting super dressed up and going to dinner (when the big things were... how am I going to do my hair???)

I miss being silly with my Momma! (Mother's Day 2009)

I miss the memories I made.

I miss the 'normal' food and dinner talks that I was used to.

I miss being able to 'tell' (as in speak) my Momma everything, whether late at night or in the wee morning hours when I would get in from UPS. (Easter 2009)

I miss hanging on my Daddy's arm.

I miss joking around with MY Bub. (I'm realizing how special the bond we have is and how no one else can have that relationship with him that I have. He is MY Bub (brother) and no one else's... yes I might be getting a tad possessive)

I miss the fun family things.

I miss Moziek! (And Mattie and LouLou of course!)

One of the things I miss the most...


Sometimes I just miss it...
But I wouldn't trade. I couldn't trade.


Anonymous said...

You were right~~it made me cry!!!

I love you so much and I miss you more than my words can express and it's ONLY by God's grace that I can let go and let you be obedient unto Him (it's so hard as your momma to do that).

I love you...lots!

PS...I miss these things, too!

Tracey House said...

ahhh friend! i miss my best friends and all those wonderful memories made with you! im just so thankful that those memories were made and that i can still call you my best friend even though your so far away!
I love you sooo much! and think about you soo much!
your thing you made for everyone before you left is hanging on my refrigerator at my new apartment so i think about you every day! (not that i dont anyways)
I love you!