Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Whew... ok... now where were we?

So the past month has been insane! Mid-May I picked up my good friend Jordan from the airport! Me and Jordan met last summer in the Philippines when we were both paired to work on the same team at GH, along with Kyla and Courtney. I was thrilled and looking foward to being able to reunite with Jordan and Kyla this summer! (Courtney was called to stay home and do missions in the US this summer.) June started off with me, along with Jordan this time, heading back to the airport to pick up Kyla. A few days later, we were heading back to the airport again to pick up our first team of the summer, a team of 21 from Americans stationed in Japan. The team was wonderful and helped out alot at GH, but anytime you are partly responsible for a team, it gets a tad stressful, and 21 is alot of people. Team Japan was to stay 10 days, and a few days before they left, we welcomed our second team, a team of 9 from TX. The two teams overlapped for a couple days, so there for a while we were hosting 30 people. Transporting 30 people, along with our people, the staff, the guys, the white girls, the monsters...etc, takes alot of coordination, a packed jeepney, a packed Kia, a packed Crosswind, and a packed Frontier, basically 4 very big vehicles packed. Team Japan headed out and Team TX finished out their 10 days. All in all, the teams faced some very unexpected circumstances, multiple breakdowns, vehicles getting stuck, outreaches in monsoons, etc., but the teams did so good!! They accomplished so much and were part of the planting of so many seeds for God's Glory! A few days before the TX Team headed out, Ate headed out as well, out of the country, for a couple weeks.

And within the next few days, 12 of our kids and 2 of our older kids (both age 17) started public school, which means, girls getting up at 4:30 to be at GH and ready to work by 5. Kyla getting the kids awake and dressed for school, Me getting 14 lunches ready, and Jordan accompanying 12 kids to school. Getting up at 4:30 AM makes for a very very long day!

To say my head has been spinning, would be an understatement. There have been so many ups and downs, yet ... no major crisis! Praise the LORD!!

LORD, Thank you so much that You are faithful! You are faithful to give us everything we need, exactly when we need it! You give us energy; You give us strength; You give us wisdom; You give us life; You give us a reason to live. You are faithful, even when we are faithless. Thank you LORD!!

~ To God Be the Glory!


Anonymous said...

You continue to amaze me!!! You certainly are doing what God has called you to do...AND, while doing this in Manila, you encouage us at Bullitt Lick to keep on keeping on. You are totally removed from your family, home and comfort zone; and yet you encourage me while I am not inconvenienced really at all.

Even during our one week of JERU I did not get up as early as you get up every day; I had the comfort of A/C for part of the day each day and as we spent a chunk of the day outdoors I felt the heat and whined about it, I don't hear or read about your whines and I know you have this type of heat every day; I get tired and yet as I know you are exhausted some days--you tell us about the energey reserve that God has graciously bestowed upon you, that He gives you strength when it is needed; I could go on and on with the comparisons but I think you're getting the picture I'm trying to paint for you. You are a beautiful creation of God and the picture He is painting in and through your life is simply astounding!

You are faithful to seek God, be obedient unto Him and give Him the glory! Such an example you set for me and those whose lives you touch! I love you girly and I'm so thankful for you!

Love you LOTS,

Anonymous said...

Hey Britt,

Wow - I'm tired just reading about your days! What an awesome inspiration you are to all of us. I'm so honored to have watched you grow from a cute little curly headed girl to an absolutely beautiful young woman with a heart for missions and your Lord. Know that we love you and pray for you daily and that God continues to do tremendous things through you.

Much Love,

The Burts