Monday, June 2, 2008

Summer 2008 Begins!!

So.. this summer has been wonderful thus far!!
On Derby, Mom went with me to pick out a kitten! I found and fell in love with the then 3 month old all black girl that I decided to call Mattie! She is absolutely adorable and she and Moziek, (my 9-year old black lab) get along great!
Mother's Day went well!! Me, mom and Dad, went down to Casey Co. as usual, but Brandon couldn't make it due to a softball game. And to be honest, I got bored rather quickly without him there to talk to, so me and mom took some pics...haha....

Then later in mid May, a bunch of people I work with went out to the Cheesecake Factory, and me and Tracey got super dressed up for this event. We went out and bought new cute summer dresses and got our make-up done at Dillards! We also got our ears pierced, Tracey got the second piercings in her lobes redone, and I got my cartilage pierced (that's when you get the top part of your ear pierced, for those of you who don't know). We went out to eat and had a wonderful time and celebrated Kevin and the fact that he's leaving UPS this Monday...good for him, not for us! lol.

One thing I love about simply having the summer off, is I have time to hang out and spend time with friends and family. Memorial Day was a blast and we got to spend the day with our family. The weather was great, as has been the case for last month or so, which has allowed Andrew to come out on the weekends.. however.. that brings us to the latest excitement.
Yesterday, on the way up to our house, Andrew wrecked his motorcycle while going up 44 hill. Fortunately God was watching over him and he wasn't not seriously or badly hurt. But he did tear up his arm pretty good.

And so far, that pretty much sums up my summer thus far.
Looking foward to updating you soon!

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