Sunday, April 10, 2011

the WOW'ingest day yet...

Ok, so today one of the WOW'ingest things ever happened to me today ... yes I just made up a word.. WOW'ingest should so be a word anyway.. not sure why no one else has realized this yet, but that's a story for another day.

There are some visitors, a group of m*litary that are in PI for the time, that have been coming and visiting regularly for a few weeks now. Of this group is their chaplain. Today, the chaplain and two others surprised me and dropped by for a quick visit, which ended up lasting a couple hours. Unfortunately Ate and our big kids and our monsters were all out swimming, but they were totally fine with that, as there were still plenty of other kids, toddlers, and babies to go around.

Now, is where I get to the 'good stuff' that makes this the WOW'ingest day yet...the chaplain started speaking to me, and he just started speaking and bringing up things... the exact things that LORD has been speaking to me about and really hammering down for the last month! The exact things, not even kidding! I was shell shocked to say the least, my mind was reeling... I'm talking the exact wording that the LORD spoke to me was coming out of this man's mouth! I knew God was clearly using this man to make His point perfectly clear. And, it wasn't just one topic, but all the topics the LORD is currently dealing with me on. I commented, 'Wow, you're speaking on all the things God is dealing with me on, I really needed to hear this.' His response, 'I know.. The LORD showed me your heart before and told me what to say'.

I won't go into detail about what all was said, because there are things that God is still revealing to me and much that I'm still processing, but WOW.. isn't God AMAZING!! There are changes in store for my life, but I'm so excited, for I'm starting a phase of my life..

My apologies as this post might be a little scattered, but I just had to share how the LORD made today just the WOW'ingest day yet!!!

~ To God Be the Glory!


N.E. said...

Praise God for being so loving as to speak RIGHT to you through that chaplain! I love it when God works so blatantly!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome Brit! Can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for you. Love you!


Mrs. Ferguson said...

Praising the Lord with you for His Wowing Ways! Looking forward to hearing all He has in store for you!