Ate Brittany... they come and wake me up from a lazy holiday morning sleeping in.. 'someone is here. A foreigner. They are asking for you.'
I groggily switch quickly out of basketball shorts and into something a little better to meet someone in, all the while wondering who in the world is here. All the other executive and office staff are out this morning and so I go down to the front gate.
There she is standing, she's heard about GH through the web and blogs and has come to just find out a little more. Our conversation, standing on the front steps, lasted maybe 30 minutes. But the effects of the conversation are still felt vividly today. I had just the week ... well for multiple weeks before honestly, had been asking the Lord, what was He doing with me? What was I doing here? Why? ... So I tell her.. I tell her my story.. I tell her how God worked. I tell her how God spoke and how He moved.
Then on to another scenario...I've recently read her book, Katie Davis's Kisses from Katie.
Another scenario... I read the blogs about those coming/moving.
I read these stories and I remember feeling those emotions once. The feeling of 'This is it! This is where I'm supposed to be!' I remember that excited giddy feeling... and then.. I suddenly feel a new feeling.. I feel a gentle whisper... One that I've heard before ... You are STILL HERE... STILL where I have you..I'M still holding you.
And just like that ... a wave of giddiness comes over me again... 'I AM HERE... I'm still here.. ' somewhere along the way I became calloused to the idea of being where God had me.. I had forgotten that I am living the dream that HE put in my heart over 8 years ago. This life dream that I have dreamt of and fantasized over and over in my years is REALITY! ... And a new thought comes 'This is AWESOME!' ... This is joy.
This is joy.
Remembering. Remembering in the dark what was spoken to you in the light.
I remember talking to her, I remember reading her words, I remember seeing them prepare. . . And as I remember.. I remember the joy that HE gave... and the joy that an enemy has tried to cover rises to the surface with unthinkable force, a blinding light after too much time wandering in darkness. I remember and it is clear again... HE IS HERE. HE SEES ME. HE KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING.
It's a long road adjusting the sudden reemergence of light, but its oh so beautiful... Joy.
Joy of remembrance.
~ To God Be the Glory!
3 comments: really got to meet her!!! That's great! (I can't believe you haven't told me about this!)
I'm so glad that you two amazing young ladies got to meet face to face and talk with each other! Praying for both of you as God continues to show you the plans and paths He has set for both of you!
I love you, I'm so proud of you and honored to be your momma!
Love you tons!
I wasn't sure if you meant you actually met her...I was going to confirm that with you mom to make sure I understood correctly. So great that two young ladies with the same passions met at GH. How blessed she was to meet our sweet Brittany!
Praying for you,
Elizabeth and family
No she did not meet her....sigh, it was someone else. Just thought I'd let you know on here, in case anyone else sees it too. I jumped to the wrong conclussion...sorry.
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