Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mr. A!

So, things have settled down a little bit here at GH. Ate is home, lifting much stress off my shoulders, visiting teams have gone home, the kids are in school during the day, settling into a fairly steady daily routine. So, as my last posts have shown, my blogging inspiration is coming straight from the mouth of my kids that I work with every day. So I figured I'd start a series of posts letting you all have the wonderful pleasure of getting to know the darling children that God uses to bless me every single day!

Since I've been working with our toddlers for the longest, I'm going to start with them and who else to start with other than Mr. Augustine!
Oh.. where to begin with Augustine. When I first met this little guy back in summer 2009, we called him our little old man, because he acted so old. He would stare at you, studying your face, taking everything about you a way judging you to see if you would meet the requirments to be his buddy... everybody always passed as his heart is HUGE, he loves everyone! Last summer, he never spoke.. even when you asked him a question, he would never answer... he would simply point. That was his trademark, ask him a question and he looks at you and up goes the arm with his index finger looking you straight in the eye! Adorable!
But in the last 7 1/2 months... he has hit his talking stage! What a delight to witness him during this precious time! He knows my name, and delights in calling me "Bittneey" ... quite bold since all the other kids and other caregivers refer to me as 'Ate Brittany' (Ate is a term for respect meaning older sister). The caregivers have been trying for weeks to get him to say Ate saying 'no, that is ATE Brittany.' ... Each time he looks at me and says, "Bittneey" ... and laughs, melting my heart!

Quick Story: This afternoon I was on duty with the Big Kids (ages 4 and up) and had to run in the Toddlers' Room for something. I walk in and they all start yelling, "Hi!" "Hey!!!" "Ate!" and then there's Augustine's voice, "Bittneey!!", I say Hi to my babies as I go to achieve my mission of, I believe I was grabbing the thermometer, and am headed back out.. but the whole time, as the others have calmed down, "Bittneey... Bittneey! Bittney.. Bittneey.. Bittneey!" is continued to be yelled out as he is following me around the room and as if with some urgency, so as I'm reaching the door to go out, I turn to him and answer his repeated beckoning, "What sweatheart?" He looks at me, gives me an adorable little smile and says softly, "Hi..." AWWW!! I then left.. after getting a kiss and hug from him of course!

Oh my sweet boy, I love you more than you will ever know! May God continue to watch over you and protect your path through this life! I know He has big plans for you, as He has already brought you through so many obstacles in your young life! I pray He reveals Himself to you in His timing and that you come to depend on Him for everything in this life! I love you Augustine!!

~ To God Be the Glory!


Anonymous said...

What a handsome little man ... and those big brown eyes! Such a blessing for you to be such an important part of his young life.

Love you,

The Burts

Anonymous said...

Dear Bitnee!

Aaaawwwwhhh, this is so precious!!! And he is so cute, as all those little guys (and gals)are, I can see why he would melt your heart. I don't know how you ever have time to get anything done, I'd want to be loving on those kiddos ALL the time!

As Mindy has already eluded to, I know that God is using you to bless all of these precious children, AND you are being so blessed in return. Thank you for blogging about it so that we who read your blog can be blessed, too. I am moved to tears at every blog update that I read...God is using you mightly!!!

I love you,