Friday, October 1, 2010

my WOW moment...

Do you ever just take a minute to stop and think... WOW.. Lord, is this serously happening?? Wow. The Lord just blows me away with his provisions for us, how he has a specific plan for every person on this earth. Me, in my immense human weakness, I would think that eventually the Lord would give up and just give us basically all dull lives, but no.. HE in His wonderful amazing love and compassion still cares about us, still provides for us, still continues to guide us to His plan for our lives.

Oh how indebted I am to my Magnificent Savior and Father!! He gave his life for me, and then on top of that He continues to remain ever faithful and to lead me, and yet still on top of that, He continues to bless me everyday, so much more than anything I deserve, quite the opposite of what I deserve. I realize more and more every day how in love I am with my Creator and Savior, I don't live my life trying to fulfill some order, I don't live as a slave, I live as a child who loves her Glorious Savior and wants nothing more than to be in the center of His will, bringing Him Glory and showing others this wonderful relationship that I have and showing them that they can have that relationship also! That they too can have that joy deep down that no matter what, you know there is hope and joy in your Father that loves you!

~ To God Be the Glory!

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