Saturday, March 26, 2011

I feel it within me... changing. Preparing.

I have heard from afar of the injustices of this world.

Now I find myself walking in the midst.

I feel that within me changing.. preparing..

Unimaginable what a soldier walking to war feels like...

I wonder if its anything like what I feel now.

For, I know that my life is to be a constant battle of spiritual warfare . . .

but now I think we walk straight at it from a new angle, new to us anyway.

We are forming our own front lines of this war.

I can feel my heart changing, preparing.

I'm asking all that read my blog to pray. Pray, without knowing the details, pray.
I cannot go into details but I can tell you this, we need prayer. We need guidance. We need God to move mountains.

So, again, without knowing details, please bombard the gates of heaven with your prayers, with your pleas, with your cries.

~ To God Be the Glory!


Anonymous said...

You and everyone at GH are in my prayers everyday, but I will be saying many extra prayers for all of you now and all week. please keep us posted. God Bless you and your family at GH.

To God Be the Glory.

Anonymous said...


We continue to pray for you; those you are serving; and those you're serving with. God knows all the details, so much more accurately than we could ever even present to Him anyway~and He can move those very mountains you about!

Love you and praying for all of you!

For His Glory!